Elite Platinum Sponsorship
● 5 Minute Special On-Stage Time to promote your business
● Four Conference Tickets to the 9th Annual Conference
● Special on-stage endorsement from Engaging Speaker Founder, Gail Brown
● 8 Foot Vendor Table to display your business cards and marketing Materials (Prime Location)
● 2 side by side Full Page Ad in our glossy color event program
● One-time design, update or editing of your ad with our expert graphic designers
● VIP lunch with Keynote Speaker Kelly Swanson and other VIP attendees
● Featured Spot Promoting Your Company on all the Engaging Speakers 9th Annual Conference Marketing and Promotional Materials and Social Media Pages
● Your Company’s Promotional Materials included in the Engaging Speaker Event Bag Each Attendee will receive
● PowerPoint slide of your ad branding you during your presentation on stage
● “Maximize Your Visibility” 30 minute call with Gail Brown and Jen Coffel to support you in packaging your sponsorship impact for the impact (call date will be scheduled)
● Sponsorship Priority List–Be first to get notified about our sponsorship opportunities before anyone else!
► 8 foot vendor table to display your business cards, marketing materials and sign-up sheet for your offers (bring your own table cover)
► Panel is on stage time for 60 min (7 - 10 minutes minimum speaking time)
► PowerPoint slide of your ad projected on screen during your sharing
► “Maximize Your Visibility” 60-minute call with Gail Brown and Jen Coffel. This very valuable call is designed to help you with how to promote your business from the stage (A call date will be emailed to you)
► Sponsorship Priority List- Be first to be notified of our sponsorship opportunities for the next Engaging Speakers event at a very special ad rate!
► Half page ad in our glossy color event program
►“Maximize Your Visibility” 60-minute call with Gail Brown and Jen Coffel. This very valuable call is designed to help you with how to promote your business from the stage (A call date will be emailed to you)
► Gold sponsors community marketing table to display your business cards
► “Maximize Your Visibility” 60-minute call with Gail Brown and Jen Coffel. This very valuable call is designed to help you with how to promote your business from the stage (A call date will be emailed to you)